Viewing Quality Results by Serial Number
You can view quality results for serial number controlled items by collection plan. You can also view detailed information about the target value and specification limits, if any, that are associated with a quality results value. See: Tracking Serial Controlled Items.
You can optionally export results after viewing them.
To find quality results for specific serial numbers items:
2. In the Find Serial Number window, select a Serial number or select an Item and Serial Number then choose the Find button.
3. Select a collection plan.
Your collection plan choices are restricted to those than collection plans that contain the selected serial number, including those that are no longer effective. If there is only one valid collection plan, it is automatically selected. If the default collection plan is one of the valid choices, it is automatically selected. See: QA:Default Collection Plan.
You can use the Find Plan button or the standard list of values to find and select a collection plan. After selecting a collection plan, you can use the previous plan/next plan arrow buttons, located to the right of the collection plan name, to scroll to another valid collection plan. See: Using a List of Values.
Once a collection plan is selected, the results associated with that collection plan are automatically displayed in date order. The Prompts entered when defining the collection elements are displayed as the column headings.
To find specific quality results:
- Position the cursor in any field in the Results region and choose Find from the Query menu. The Find Results window appears. See: Finding Quality Results.
To view quality result details:
To export chart results:
- If you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine, choose Export Results from the Special Menu. If you are using the Statit Statistics Engine, choose Export to Statit from the Special Menu. See: Exporting Quality Results.
See Also
Profile Options