Setup Overview
This section contains an overview of each step you need to complete to set up Oracle Purchasing. For instructions on how to complete each task, see the setup sections indicated in each step below.
Some of the steps below are Required, and some are Optional. Required with defaults means that the setup functionality comes with pre-seeded, default values in the database; however, you should review those defaults and decide whether to change them to suit your business needs. If you want or need to change them, you should perform that setup step.
Some of the steps below you may not need to perform if you've already performed a common-application setup (setting up multiple Oracle Applications products).
Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard
If you are implementing more than one Oracle Applications product, you may want to use the Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard to coordinate your setup activities. The Implementation Wizard guides you through the setup steps for the applications you have installed, suggesting a logical sequence that satisfies cross-product implementation dependencies and reduces redundant setup steps. The Wizard also identifies steps that can be completed independently--by several teams working in parallel--to help you manage your implementation process most efficiently.
You can use the Implementation Wizard as a resource center to see a graphical overview of setup steps, read online help for a setup activity, and open the appropriate setup window. You can also document your implementation, for further reference and review, by using the Wizard to record comments for each step.
Set Up Oracle Applications Technology
The setup steps in this chapter tell you how to implement the parts of Oracle Applications specific to Oracle Purchasing.
The Implementation Wizard guides you through the entire Oracle Applications setup, including system administration. However, if you do not use the Wizard, you need to complete several other setup steps, including:
- performing system-wide setup tasks such as configuring concurrent managers and printers
- managing data security, which includes setting up responsibilities to allow access to a specific set of business data and complete a specific set of transactions, and assigning individual users to one or more of these responsibilities
Also, since Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow to manage the approval and creation of business documents, and to derive Accounting Flexfield values via the Account Generator, you need to set up Oracle Workflow.
See Also
Implementation Wizard
Oracle System Administration
Oracle Workflow
Multiple Reporting Currencies
If you plan to use Multiple Reporting Currencies (MRC) with Oracle Purchasing, additional setup steps are required. See: Multiple Reporting Currencies in Oracle Applications.
Setup Prerequisites
Before you set up your Purchasing application, you should set up an Oracle Applications System Administrator responsibility. See: Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.
Since Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology to perform document approvals, automatic document creation, and account generation via the Account Generator, you need to set up Oracle Workflow before you can use Purchasing. See: Setting Up Oracle Workflow.
Setup Steps
Step 1 Set Up System Administrator (Required)
This step involves the following tasks:
Step 2 Set Up Key Flexfields (Required)
See: Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
Setting up key flexfields for Purchasing involves the following tasks:
- Set up accounting key flexfields. You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle General Ledger or performed a common-applications setup. See also: Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.
- Set up the following Human Resources key flexfields. You may not need to set up these key flexfields if you have already installed and set up Oracle Human Resource Management Systems or performed a common-applications setup. See also: Oracle Human Resources User's Guide.
- Set up the following Inventory key flexfields. You may not need to set up these key flexfields if you have already installed and set up Oracle Inventory or performed a common-applications setup. See also: Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
Step 3 Set Up Calendars, Currencies, and Set of Books (Required)
If you have defined your calendars, currencies, and set of books while setting up a different Oracle Applications product, proceed to the next step. However, if you are performing a Multi-Org implementation of Purchasing, you may optionally create more than one calendar, currency, or set of books. See: Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications.
This step involves the following tasks:
Step 4 Set Up Organizations (Required)
You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Inventory or performed a common-applications setup.
For the following tasks relating to setting up organizations, see: Oracle Human Resources User's Guide:
- Define organization QuickCodes.
- Define human resources organizations.
- Define legal entities organizations.
- Define Oracle users for operating-unit organizations.
- Assign operating units to legal entities.
- Define inventory organizations.
- Define accounting information for inventory organizations.
- Define customers and suppliers for inventory organizations.
- Define inventory organization parameters.
Step 5 Set Up Units of Measure (Required)
You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Inventory or performed a common-applications setup. See: Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
This step involves the following tasks:
- Define units-of-measure classes.
- Define units-of-measure conversions.
- Define inter-class unit-of-measure conversions
Step 6 Set Up Items
See: Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
This step involves the following tasks:
- Define item attribute controls. (Required with defaults)
- Define container type QuickCodes. (Required with defaults)
- Define status. (Required with defaults)
- Define item type QuickCodes. (Required with defaults)
- Define customer item commodity codes. (Optional)
- Define item templates. (Optional)
Step 7 Set Up Personnel
You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Human Resource Management Systems or performed a common-applications setup. See: Oracle Human Resources User's Guide.
This step involves the following tasks:
- Define employee QuickCodes. (Required with defaults)
- Define employees. Use the setup window from within Purchasing for defining employees if you use Purchasing without Oracle Human Resource Management Systems. If you use Purchasing with Oracle Human Resource Management Systems, use the setup window for defining employees from within the Human Resource Management Systems application. (Required)
- Define positions. (Optional)
- Define position hierarchies. (Optional)
Step 8 Set Up Oracle Workflow (Required)
Since Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology to perform document approvals, automatic document creation, and account generation via the Account Generator, you need to set up Oracle Workflow, if you haven't done so already. See: Setting Up Oracle Workflow.
Step 9 Decide How to Use the Account Generator (Required)
The Account Generator process in Purchasing builds a charge, budget, accrual, and variance account for each purchase order, release, and requisition distribution based on the distribution's Expense, Inventory, or Shop Floor destination type. You must review the default process that Purchasing uses to see if it meets your accounting requirements. You can optionally customize the Account Generator for each set of books that you have defined. See: Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Before you can use the Account Generator default process in Purchasing or customize your own process, you first need to set up Oracle Workflow if you haven't done so already. See: Setting Up Oracle Workflow.
Step 10 Define Manufacturing System and User Profiles (Required)
See: Setting User Profile Options. See: Common User Profile Options. See: Profile Options in Purchasing.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 11 Open Inventory and Purchasing Accounting Periods (Required)
This step involves the following tasks.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 12 Define Subinventory Locations (Optional)
You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Inventory. See: Defining Subinventories.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 13 Set Up Cross-Reference Types,
Tax Names, and Location Associations (Optional)
This step involves the following tasks:
- Define tax names. You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Payables or performed a common-applications setup. See: Tax Names.
Note: This task needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Note: This task needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 14 Set Up Approval Information
This step involves the following tasks.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 15 Set Up Lookups and Classes
This step involves the following tasks:
Step 16 Define Standard Attachments (Optional)
See: Annotating Purchasing Documents. See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents.
Step 17 Set Up Purchasing Flexfields (Required)
See: Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
This step involves the following tasks:
- Define Purchasing category flexfield structure.
- Define flexfield segment values.
- Define account aliases flexfield.
- Define cross-validation rules.
Step 18 Define Purchasing Options (Required)
See: Defining Purchasing Options.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 19 Define Buyers (Required)
See: Defining Buyers.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 20 Define Items (Optional)
This step involves the following tasks.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each inventory organization.
Step 21 Set Up Document Controls (Required with defaults)
This step involves the following tasks:
Step 22 Set Up Financial Options (Required)
See: Defining Financials Options.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each operating unit.
Step 23 Set Up Receiving Options (Required)
You may not need to perform this step if you've already defined receiving options in Step 4 Set Up Organizations. See: Defining Receiving Options.
Note: This step needs to be performed for each inventory organization.
Step 24 Set Up Transaction Managers and Resubmission Intervals
This step involves the following tasks:
- Receiving transaction manager
- Document approval manager
Step 25 Define Suppliers (Required)
You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Payables or performed a common-applications setup. See: Entering Suppliers.
Step 26 Start "Send Notifications for
Purchasing Documents" Process (Required)
See: Starting the "Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents" Process.
Step 27 Set Up Document Creation Options (Required with defaults)
See: Choosing Document Creation Options.
Step 28 Set Up Approval Timeout Feature (Optional)
See: Deciding If You Want to Use the Timeout Feature.
Step 29 Start Workflow Background Process (Optional)
See: Using the Workflow Background Process.
Step 30 Modify Change Order Workflow Options (Optional)
See: Modifying Change Order Workflow Options.